University of Holistic Theology - World-class Holistic Education ~ Online Degree Programs
University of Holistic Theology



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American Holistic Health Association

University of Holistic Theology is an Institutional Member of the Florida Distance Learning Association (FDLA), an affiliate of the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA)



About UHT

UNIVERSITY OF HOLISTIC THEOLOGY is an institute of higher learning incorporated in the State of Florida - USA. Our degree programs are designed to lead the motivated adult student to a Bachelor of Science, Holistic Theology degree (B.Sc. HT), a Masters of Science degree (M.Sc.HT) and a Doctor of Philosophy degree, Holistic Theology (Ph.D. HT). Each degree program has been designed to be completed within approximately 12 - 18-months.

online bachelor, masters and Ph.D.

Some students may complete their degree requirements sooner, depending on the amount of time the student has available to devote to their study and coursework.

UHT is a non-traditional Religious-Exempt university. As such, academic courses common in traditional under--graduate programs are not required to be included in our curriculum. This allows UHT to focus primarily on those topics directly related to the holistic focus of the university.

UHT Founder & Dean, Dr. James R. Grant, Ph.D., D.Min., designed the curriculum to be challenging - requiring students to read, research, think, and write for themselves - rather than relying solely on learning materials provided by the university.

Unless special arrangement has been made with the university, all new UHT Degree Students must begin with the Bachelor of Science, Holistic Theology degree program, and progress through to the graduate programs (M.Sc. HT, Ph.D. HT) in sequence.

UNIVERSITY OF HOLISTIC THEOLOGY degree programs are not designed to meet any particular local, state or national licensing or credentialing laws, or to meet any requirements established by any private independent associations. If seeking a degree for licensing purposes, UHT advises students to inquire with said associations, state, or specific school districts to determine acceptability. UNIVERSITY OF HOLISTIC THEOLOGY is not a traditional regionally accredited institution. The accreditation process is strictly voluntary. Theology, like religion, is protected under the first amendment of the United States Constitution. This amendment guarantees the right to practice and teach others. This is the essence of our degree.

UHT is a distance-learning program using the Internet, the postal service and/or other delivery systems. Students may use any library at their disposal and study at their own individual pace.

UHT Non-Discrimination Policy

UHT accepts students without regard to nationality, handicap, sex, age or religious affiliation. The university adheres to a total non-discriminatory admissions program. Any violation to this rule of any current or future employee will be grounds for immediate dismissal. Any information shared by a student with the college is kept private.

If you wish to enroll, please complete the online application form and submit it to the college using one of the available enrollment options. Any information a prospective student gives the college is done with complete confidentiality. The student must submit a request in writing before any information can be given to any employer or other college/institute, etc.


Plagiarizing will not be tolerated under any circumstance and is grounds for immediate termination and dismissal– all funds paid will be forfeited and degrees unobtainable. No exceptions will be made. The committee's word will be final. Behavior of the student is expected to be in-line with the mission statement of the university.

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University of Holistic Theology
Box 121376
W.Melbourne, FL 329121-1376

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UHT is a non-traditional university. The curriculum focuses primarily on holistic / spiritual health and wellness topics. Courses such as English, Math, Science, Literature or other conventional courses are generally not part of the curriculum. History and literature are taught as they pertain to theology and spirituality. Students are guided through the program by their professors, faculty advisors and administrators to ensure completion of studies.

University of Holistic Theology (UHT) is approved by the Commission for Independent Education, Independent Colleges and Universities, Non-Secular Division, Florida Department of Education (by annual affadavit review) as a Religious-Exempt institution.

The institution offers only educational programs that prepare students for religious vocations as ministers, professionals, or laypersons in the categories of ministry, counseling, theology, education, administration, music, fine arts, media communications, or social work. ( Florida Statute 1005(1)(f)(2).

University of Holistic Theology is an Institutional Member of the Florida Distance Learning Association (FDLA), an affiliate of the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA)

University of Holistic Theology holds Organizational Membership in the American Holistic Health Association (AHHA)

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